Quality managment system

KomplektEnergo LLC Quality Management System (QMS) is focused on reliability of supplies, quality assurance and quality improvement in respect of our works and services, as well as strict compliance with mandatory requirements and customer requirements to products, services and works. We use a risk-based approach on all levels of management and tall phases of works; we consider, observe and unite the interests and goals of all interested parties: our customers, partners and personnel. As we carry out any of our projects we assure a high level of our staff’s professional competence. We evaluate suppliers in order to work with reliable ones; we procure all necessary resources for our projects; we follow up the equipment manufacturing process and monitor its quality. We evaluate our own performance and pursue its improvement and development. Quality Management principles and processes represent an indispensable part of our activity.

Since 2010, KomplektEnergo LLC has successfully passed annual audits conducted by TÜV SÜD and Bureau Veritas. These audits have confirmed that our QMS is operating well and improving, while our Company’s business in general is developing.

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Partners READ MORE
  • Taprogge GmbH (Германия)
  • Sigma DIZ spol. s r.o.
  • Elpanneteknik (Швеция)
  • ОАО «ОКБМ им. Африкантова»
  • ОАО «НПО ЦКТИ им. И.И. Ползунова»
  • ФГУП ВО «Безопасность»:
  • ОАО «Концерн Росэнергоатом»
  • ОАО «Атомэнергоремонт»
  • ООО «Битруб Интернэшнл»
  • ОАО «Силовые машины»
  • ООО «ОМЗ Спецсталь»
  • ОАО «АКМЭ-инжиринг»
  • ЗАО «Атомстройэкспорт» (ЗАО АСЭ)
  • ОАО «Головной институт «ВНИПИЭТ»
  • ОАО «Атомэнергопроект»
  • TÜV SÜD Industrie Service (Германия)
  • Balcke-Dürr GmbH (Германия)