
“KomplektEnergo” was incorporated in 2002.

Facts about the company

1. Principal customer – OJSC “Rosenergoatom” (electric power division of the State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”, the second power engineering company in Europe by nuclear power generating capacity).


Leningrad NPP-2.jpg


2. Deliveries of power generating equipment have been made to 9 out of 10 operating NPPs in the Russian Federation over the period of 12 years.

3. “KomplektEnergo” makes deliveries to NPPs under construction:

Novovoronezh NPP-2

Leningrad NPP-2

Rostov NPP (electric power units No 4)

Kursk NPP-2

Belorussian NPP


Capabilities on a par with state corporations

KomplektEnergo Group of companies unites enterprises, many of which operate on the Russian energy market for a long time and have a clear specialization. These enterprises provide the following:

These enterprises provide the following:

  • complete equipment supplies for nuclear power plants and other power facilities;
  • solution of complex production problems on a par with holdings and corporations;
  • comprehensive project management;
  • design and engineering;
  • development of individual solutions for NPP;
  • ensuring high quality of equipment and services.

Cooperation with Russian and foreign equipment manufacturers and collaboration with leading design institutes and industry organizations constitute an important aspect of the company's activities. OJSC KomplektEnergo offers its customers the products of such companies with a worldwide reputation as Ukranian PJSC "Turboatom" (the manufacturer of turbine equipment), Czech company VÍTKOVICE MACHINERY GROUP a. s. (the largest engineering group in Central Europe) and German company Taprogge GmbH (the world's leading manufacturer and supplier of proprietary ball cleaning systems and pre-treatment filters.

KomplektEnergo Group of companies is always open for cooperation with Russian and foreign partners in the field of new technologies and supplies of equipment for power industry.

Core operations

During the work in the power generation market “KomplektEnergo” has formed its core operations:

  • Integrated project control;

  • Implementation of programs and projects of Rosenergoatom and package supply of equipment for NPPs;

  • Engineering;

  • Erection, erection supervision, adjustment and putting into operation of power generating equipment;

  • Diagnostics, certification, retrofitting of equipment;

  • Equipment maintenance during the entire life cycle;

  • Own-production of power generating equipment.

Priority direction of operations is participation in the implementation of “Rosenergoatom” program for construction of new power units and modernization of operating NPPs.

Partners READ MORE
  • Taprogge GmbH (Германия)
  • Sigma DIZ spol. s r.o.
  • Elpanneteknik (Швеция)
  • ОАО «ОКБМ им. Африкантова»
  • ОАО «НПО ЦКТИ им. И.И. Ползунова»
  • ФГУП ВО «Безопасность»:
  • ОАО «Концерн Росэнергоатом»
  • ОАО «Атомэнергоремонт»
  • ООО «Битруб Интернэшнл»
  • ОАО «Силовые машины»
  • ООО «ОМЗ Спецсталь»
  • ОАО «АКМЭ-инжиринг»
  • ЗАО «Атомстройэкспорт» (ЗАО АСЭ)
  • ОАО «Головной институт «ВНИПИЭТ»
  • ОАО «Атомэнергопроект»
  • TÜV SÜD Industrie Service (Германия)
  • Balcke-Dürr GmbH (Германия)