About company

Olga Vladimirovna
KomplektEnergo Group of companies


For over 15 years our company has been successfully dealing with complicated and multifaceted tasks of supplying high-tech equipment for nuclear power plants.
In the last years, nuclear power industry (a core business of our company) has seen rapid development, followed by growth of our specialists’ professionalism and quality. This is determined by the complexity and high requirements of our industry. Today our company's departments and services are manned with high-class experts possessing vast field work experience in power industry and power plant engineering.

Today, our company positions itself as a single-source supplier for a number of projects taking responsibility for the whole scope of finance. design and manufacturing problems.

Main areas of activities
Implementation of Rosenergoatom Concern's
programs and projects
This area of activity includes all stages of equipment life cycle: engineering, manufacturing, delivery, assembly, checkout, launch in operation and servicing.
Equipment diagnostics, inspection and upgrading
Leading Russian and foreign research companies, engineering, expert and manufacturing companies are involved in these works.
Assembly, checkout
and commissioning
These works are carried out in cooperation with leading repair, assembly and construction companies.


preparation and participation in tender procedures;
preparation of contract documents;
development and approval of statements of work, technical requirements and specifications;
development of engineering, design and cost estimate documents in cooperation with research and design companies;
presentation of engineering solutions concerning the fitness of various materials and equipment for use at NPPs and their approval;
development and approval of acceptance, commissioning and certification testing programs;
preparation of other technical documents required for equipment manufacture, delivery, assembly and operation.
Package deliveries of NPP equipment
Equipment maintenance and service
These works are carried out in cooperation with leading repair and production companies.
Own production of power equipment
Our manufacturing site possesses all the required process and measuring equipment and tooling. It also has a non-destructive testing laboratory. Our production team includes certified production specialists, experienced engineers, designers, technologists and economists.

At KomplektEnergo, we understand our customers’ needs and assume responsibility for organizing and managing the total scope of works, from designing down to equipment commissioning. As we do this, we provide the following:

financial management and cost optimization
complete fulfillment of contractual obligations
high quality of products and deliverables

Depending on the project’s specifics, the type of goods and the and the manufacturer, KomplektEnergo arranges the following:

  • engineering;
  • manufacture;
  • acceptance and quality control;
  • freight services;
  • custom clearance;
  • equipment certification;
  • equipment assembly, checkup and commissioning;
  • training of customer personnel to operate the equipment we deliver.

Partners READ MORE
  • Taprogge GmbH (Германия)
  • Sigma DIZ spol. s r.o.
  • Elpanneteknik (Швеция)
  • ОАО «ОКБМ им. Африкантова»
  • ОАО «НПО ЦКТИ им. И.И. Ползунова»
  • ФГУП ВО «Безопасность»:
  • ОАО «Концерн Росэнергоатом»
  • ОАО «Атомэнергоремонт»
  • ООО «Битруб Интернэшнл»
  • ОАО «Силовые машины»
  • ООО «ОМЗ Спецсталь»
  • ОАО «АКМЭ-инжиринг»
  • ЗАО «Атомстройэкспорт» (ЗАО АСЭ)
  • ОАО «Головной институт «ВНИПИЭТ»
  • ОАО «Атомэнергопроект»
  • TÜV SÜD Industrie Service (Германия)
  • Balcke-Dürr GmbH (Германия)